
Happy Halloween!!

I hope everyone had a great Halloween! We had a very fun time here. We went to Nana's and Papa's earlier in the day. After that we went to see Great-Grandma and Grandpa. Sammy "shed" all over their carpet. Silly puppy!! When I picked Ella up from preschool they had painted kitty cat whiskers on her, so she was also a kitty cat during the day too.

After dinner we went trick-or-treating around the neighborhood. The original plan was to take both kids just around the block and then Sam and I would go home and hand out candy. We did that, but when we separated Sam started crying and was very sad. He wanted to keep trick-or-treating with Ella. So we headed back out and caught up to daddy and Ella. He was having so much fun. He walked all down the street too. Not very quickly, but walked a long ways none the less. Both kids got quite a good stash of candy, but I think Sam will have to wait until next year to eat that.

Ella was very cute, she would go up to the door and Sam and I would be a few steps behind and the person at the door would give her a piece of candy then she would turn around and put it in Sam's bag first. She was really good at sharing.


Anonymous said...

What cute costumes Ella and Sammy wore.(No picture to their take?). Sammy is so funny in his and Ella so elegant. We liked the stories of Ella handing the treats to Sammy first (what a big sis). Also the one about sad Sammy when you guys left with a nice ending of the family going off into the sunset trick-or-treating.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, are the kids adorable!!!!!I LOVE the puppy costume. And Ella is beautiful, as always. I think you better send Sammy's candy to Auntie Jill because in one year it will be to old for him to eat. I wish you lived closer so you could trick 'n' treat here. Ella is an awesome big sister. She is always looking out for Sammy. What a great niece and nephew.

Auntie Jill and Uncle Bob